This weekend was coronation weekend or excuse for a street party! Wasn’t as engaging on tv as the Queens funeral but historic never the less and had a lovely street party next day, with much better weather!

But today went to Parliament for the reading ie some speeches by Chris Bryant MP who is the man (mosty) who is pushing this forward. While I wanted to be their as, we as group tend to let stuff happen for us than been with us?
It was hugely stressful and exhausting! Every one was lovely I even managed to recognise folks! But oh I am paying for it!

I was amazed how easy it was to visit just some airport type put stuff in a tray and get patted down, as my MP said well it is your building! I did enjoy having a wander around briefly at the end.

I also got a cup as well I wanted a treat as I felt proud I’d managed it, I did twitch a fair bit on the train home, and have generally felt exhausted but I’m proud that I managed it, and I enjoyed parts/felt I should in other parts, but good day nonetheless!