Last night when to Hampton Pool with Lee and Dave, to watch T-Rex and David Bowie or rather cover bands of them! Sara had a great time, as it was the music of her youth! For myself the can’t balance in the dark or even gloom, and certainly not with the stimulation/confusion of folks dancing in the dark/music/light show etc. So we’d tried taking a chair so I could sit, which worked, but was frankly a bit pointless! I had tried shortly after my Bump, don’t get me wrong I’m so much better than before but it’s just too much!
No matter today I went to do something I can do and fairly well ie ride a bike, went on my 2nd Club Run with Dittons Velo again went places I hadn’t been for years. Really enjoyed it, was fair bit slower which is fine by me! And more hills which equally is fine by me!